Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' - Red Sprite Winterberry

Red Sprite Winterberry (female)

Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite'

Also called Red Sprite Black Alder

  • Inconspicuous white spring flowers
  • Large bright red berries persist into the winter
  • Dark green glossy leaves turn yellow in the fall
  • Suckering occasionally, it produces an oval shrub
  • Pollinated by Mr Poppins®, Little Goblin® Guy, or Jim Dandy
  • Plant 1 male for every 5-7 females, up to 15 metres away
  • Bloom Time: June to July



100-125 cm

100-125 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Although winterberry will tolerate some shade, fruit production is best in sunny locations, but do not allow plants to dry out, especially during hot summer droughts.   Ilex verticillata plants are dioecious (plants are either male or female). Any necessary pruning should be done soon after the flowers are finished, but keep in mind that berry production will be diminished.  Branches of berries are decorative and are frequently used in flower arrangements.

Additional Notes about Red Sprite Winterberry (female):

Ilex berries can be harmful; they contain an alkaloid similar to caffeine.


suitable substitutions for Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite'